Pump.fun & Moonshot Sniper
Snipe new tokens on Pumpfun with precision.
Last updated
Snipe new tokens on Pumpfun with precision.
Last updated
With SolTradingBot, it's so much easier to snipe tokens from Pump.fun or Moonshot:
Step 1: Access the Bot: @SolTradingBot
Step 2: Choose Sniper Pump.fun (Moonshot) button.
Step 3: Enter these needed information:
Token Symbol
Dev Wallet
Step 4: Setup for your sniper:
Max SOL allow: Enter the max amount of SOL you want to use for sniper.
Tip Amount: You should use a Tip to increase the success rate of the sniper.
Priority Fee: Boost your transaction to become much faster.
Step 5: Choose the wallet you want to use.
Step 6: Choose or enter the amount of SOL you want to snipe.
Step 7: Wait for the Bot to do the rest and announce the result to you.